Documentation Working Group

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Ellis Wilson is starting a DWG and made an announcement to [email protected] (

Hi all,

After some discussions with Peter I've agreed to lead the startup of the Lustre Documentation Working Group (DWG). The idea here is to have a regular session in-place where we can identify especially missing or stale documentation that would benefit the community were it updated or completed. Everyone interested in participating would get together every two weeks and we'd review what we made progress on since the last meeting, decide what we're working on until the next one, and discuss any notable areas in need of new or revised documentation soonest.

The three broad capacities we are looking for folks to contribute include the following:

  1. Reviewing documentation and annotating errant, stale, or missing information
  2. Editing documentation based on review comments and driving changes to acceptance
  3. Creation of new documentation for undocumented or new Lustre features and functionality

The two areas we plan to focus efforts to start are on the Lustre Wiki and the Lustre Manual.

If you have any interest in participating in this working group, please do two things:

  1. Please fill out this form so I have an idea of what video conferencing software people prefer, what times on Monday's (my only truly open-ish day) work for you, and how you plan to participate:
  2. Go sign up for the DWG email distribution list. All future email on this topic will be sent there:

I will send a meeting invitation based on the platform chosen this Friday for the following Monday. Looking forward to kicking this off with you all!

