IOR Tests

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IOR Performance Tests


mpirun -np {NP} -wd {Working Dir} -machinefile {Machine File} {IOR Pathname}/IOR -v -a POSIX -i5 -g -e -w -r -b {FileSize}g -T 10 -F -C -t 4m

Random I/O

mpirun -np {NP} -wd {Working Dir} -machinefile {Machine File} {IOR Pathname}/IOR -v -a POSIX -i5 -g -e -w -r -b {FileSize}g -T 10 -F -z -t 4k


 {NP} is Total number of threads in the test
 {Working Dir} is the directory where files get created
 {Machine File} is a list of clients involved in the test, this is either created by hand, or by a scheduler
 {IOR Pathname} The full path to IOR, this must be accessible on all clients
 {FileSize} The size of the file each thread will use.  This should be a multiple of client memory, to prevent cache effects.