Test framework requirements

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This page is intended as the collection point for people to record their requirements of a new test-framework environment. The new test framework environment is intended to support Lustre today as well as into the future with exascale systems and so the entries on this page should encapsulate all that will be needed to test Lustre for the foreseeable exascale future. The current plan is that we should design the best possible new test framework environment and then assess if a transition from the current framework is possible, but we should not hinder the new framework environment in order to make the transition possible. Please add your requirements to the table below including child pages where you suggestion is a document or sizeable entry. We want to capture all the valuable input of people from ideas, to language requirements, high level architectural ideas, references to other test methods/language/environments that might be useful......

Email Requirement/Idea/Thought Why
[email protected] The framework environment must cause scalable tests to be the natural way to write tests. The shortest and simplest test should be scalable, with singular non-scalable being more time consuming. Historically test framework tests tend to address single clients against single oss and single ost, extra effort is required to create scaling tests - this behaviour is the inverse of what's required. A simple test should scale to 100,000+ clients, against 1000+ servers with no effort on behalf of the test writer.
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